Politicians dress up their ruthless ambition as a pursuit of the public good 政客们将他们的狼子野心美化成是谋求公共利益。
I believe that research results must be seen as a public good that belongs to the community – especially patients. 我认为,研究成果必须被视为一种公益性成果,它属于全社会,特别是患者。
One of the best examples of a public good is national defense. 公共物品的最佳实例之一是国防。
All are effective channels to use your knowledge of medicine to serve the public good. 你可以通过所有有效的渠道运用你的医学知识为公众服务。
We believe that the private good is integral to the public good. 我们相信商业责任是公益的一部分。
Participating in work for the public good. --参加社会公益事业建设。
Ecological tourism, wish for public good. 生态旅游,志愿公益。
He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. 他拒绝批准那些对公共福利最有益、最必要的法律。
Since these provide a public good, they must be funded by a general levy. 既然这些机构提供了一种公共品,它们的收入就必须来自一般征款。
They provide the public good of reliable information on which our knowledge-intensive society depends. 它们提供具备可靠信息的公共物品,而我们的知识密集型社会就依赖于这些可靠的信息。
A foundation created to promote the public good ( not for assistance to any particular individuals). 为了公众的利益建立的基金会(不是资助任何特殊的个人)。
On this point then, the private good does concur with the public good. 不难看出,从这个意义上说,个人益处与公共益处是一致的。
Water is a limited natural resource and a public good fundamental for life and health. 水是一种有限的自然资源和良好的公众生命和健康的根本。
Trees outstrip most people in the extent and depth of their work for the public good. 树对公众利益做出的贡献在广度上和深度上都超过了绝大多数人。
Most families psychologically think private nursing homes are mostly profit-oriented rather than a public good industry. 多数家属心理上认为民办养老院更多的是为获取利润,而养老行业应该是公益行业北京翻译公司。
It further pointed out that was important for the creative individual and also very important for the public good. 它进一步指出,著作权不论对创造个体还是对公众利益都很重要。
A public good nature of the health-centered, welfare and productive as the two basic points of the structured nature of the system. 中国卫生事业性质是以公益性为中心,以福利性和生产性为两个基本点的结构化性质体系。
Ratings are a public good. 评级是一项公益事业。
Through constructive exchanges and continuous dialogue, both sides work in the interest of the public good. 他们通过建设性的交流与对话,一同为市民的利益而工作。
Some have adopted the novel approach of treating water as an economic resource, rather than a public good. 一些国家采纳了将水资源当作经济资源、而非公共品的新颖理念。
Commercial advertisements and advertisements for public good are different in object and function. 英语商业广告中充斥着误拼现象,有人谴责这是一种文化上的堕落。
In Indian politics and public administration, personal loyalty and the appeasement of special interests take precedence over professional competence and the public good. 在印度的政治和公共管理中,个人忠诚和迎合特殊利益集团优先于专业能力和公共利益。
The only public good is that which assures the private good of the citizens. 唯一的公共利益就是确保公民私人利益的方法。
According to Costanza, we need different institutions for managing natural capital because of its "public good" aspects. 据Costanza称,由于自然资本的公益性,我们需要不同的体系来管理它。
Finally, the public good will constitute the value core of social trust. 信息社会的公共利益构成诚信博弈的价值核心。
We were in the thick of it.& Participating in work for the public good. 我们正积极参与此事。--参加社会公益事业建设。
These families used a lot of their own money for the public good. 这些家族都曾把自己的大量钱财用于公益事业。
The news media shall publicize food safety laws, regulations, standards and knowledge for the public good and, through public opinions, supervise violations of this law. 新闻媒体应当开展食品安全法律、法规以及食品安全标准和知识的公益宣传,并对违反本法的行为进行舆论监督。
I urge you all to remember that we are talking about an international public good. 我敦促你们所有人,不要忘记我们所讨论的是国际公益。